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Showing posts from April, 2021

2D or 3D? Choosing the Right Animation Production Service

  Every business wants its reach to be effective. Brand awareness and top-of-the-mind recall are the two key aspects of every business. There are umpteen options that will help you in this. But, when it comes to effective ways, then pictures, videos, and graphics coupled with sound effects create an everlasting impact. And that has given rise to the world of animation.  What are animation and its types? Animation is the process of drawing, designing, and preparing the layouts of photographic sequence, which are then along in multimedia and gaming products. The fact of the matter is that animation use is not just limited to gaming products and multimedia; rather, it can be a good source of learning, marketing, and training as well.  Types of animation: There are different types of animations, but our focus will on the two most common types: 2D animation – It is a vector-based animation. This is an easy-to-use technology and so is witnessing great popularity and use. This one gives more